Monday, May 23, 2016

Black nightshade berries

I have black nightshade plants, and I didn't want them once I identified them, but after eating a few of berries, I think it's nice to have with just one plant.

They are prolific plant, growing vigorously, they will shoot out new branches from the ground level up to upper branches whenever some fruits are done. Originally, there were probably ten of ten if not more in following small container, I had to thin them out to just five, or it would be like a dark forest.

black nightshade

At this time, I thought they were radish, because I had scattered about twenty-five radish seeds, but they were already way too big, but I still tried to convince myself, even when the flowers was telling me they were not.

black nightshade flowers

black nightshade flower

Until the berries showed up, those definitely weren't seed pods.

black nightshade fruits

At this point, I began to try to identify. After looking around, I know they are commonly called black nightshade, and I believe these are Solanum americanum according to this. The leaves are all green throughout all stages, and the unripe berries have white flecks.

I was debating with myself if I should try the ripe berries, I don't want to bother with leaves, 15 minute boiling twice, too much work and water and energy. Eventually, I pop one into my mouth. Some pages said they taste like tomato, I can tell you they are not and not overly sweet, but I can't exactly describe it. It has the sweetness, but there is also something probably between sweet and savor, maybe a slight hint of good sour flavor. And those tiny seeds are interesting texture in your mouth.

In about a week, I have eaten 18 berries. Now I check on them daily to see if there is any ripe berries to nibble, nice treat to have.

They grow big and can be about one meter tall, in that small container, one is really enough. By the way, I have no idea how they got into that container in the first place.

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